2024 June UK: 2024 International ME Conference Week
The 2024 international Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium took place at Wellcome Genome Campus near Cambridge, UK with biomedical researchers from forty institutes and twenty countries represented.
by IiMER
2023 May-June UK: 12th International Biomedical Research Colloquium
The twelfth international Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium is taking place at Wellcome Genome Campus near Cambridge, UK and will see biomedical researchers from forty institutes and over a dozen countries represented.
by IiMER
2022 May UK: 11th International Biomedical Research Colloquium
The eleventh international Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium is taking place as a virtual event and will see biomedical researchers from around the world.
by IiMER
2021 June UK: 10th International Biomedical Research Colloquium
The tenth international Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium is taking place as a virtual event and will see biomedicalresearchers from fifteen countries participating.
by IiMER
GERMANY: 2020 Conference of Fatigatio eV 19.09.2020
Fatigatio's annual symposium as a public event.
On 19th September EMEA Germany: Fatigatio eV will have its annual conference.
This year it will be a digital livestream event.Two english speaking presenters will be - Prof. Dr. med. Jonas Bergquist - speaking about "Biomolecular aspects of ME" at 15:00h
and Dr. rer. nat. Bhupesh K. Prusty speaking about "Hypervigilant immune system associated with hypometabolic mitochondria are key players in ME/CFS" at 16:00h.These presentations will be streamed live with simultaneous German translationsand will also be available later on the Fatigatio You Tube account.
A link here for the English version of the conference flyer
Further information from the Fatigatio web site - click hereby Fatigatio
2020 May UK: ME Conference Week events in London
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic Invest in ME Research has decided to reschedule the 2020 Conference week events in London.
The events include the international Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium, the international ME Conference and the Thinking the Future conference for young and early career researchers.The new dates will be at the end of May 2021.
by IiMER
2020 May UK: ME Conference Week events in London
Invest in ME Research announced its plans for ME Conference Week in London in May 2020.
The events include the international Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium, the international ME Conference and the Thinking the Future conference for young and early career researchers.by IiMER
GERMANY: 2019 Symposium of Fatigatio eV Stuttgart 31.08.2019
Fatigatio's annual symposium as a public event.
A link here for the English version of the conference flyer
A link here for the presentation given by EMEA at the conferenceby Fatigatio
2019 May UK: ME Conference Week - events in London
Invest in ME Research held its annual ME Conference Week in London in May 2019. Apart from the annual research Colloquium and public Conference there was also another Thinking the Future conference for young and early career researchers.
by IiMER
2017 January Belgium: Breakfast in Brussels
An EMEA initiative taking ME to the European parliament.
A breakfast meeting in Brussels with Members of the European Parliament.by Belgium ME/CFS Association