Full Members
Association of People with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Serbia
The Association of People with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome SHUKS is a non-governmental and not-for-profit association, established for an indefinite period of time to meet the goals of gathering citizens and scientific and professional staff to help the sick.
The Association was established on February 17, 2019.
The headquarters of the Association is in Ćuprija, Joce Milosavljevića 10.
The main goals of the Association are:
- development and improvement of all fields of science and science dealing with the problem
- assisting and improving teaching at colleges and schools in all fields of medicine and science dealing with problems • organization of congresses, symposia, consultations
- publishing of scientific publications
- cooperation with related associations and organizations at home and abroad
- promotion of professional cooperation between members

Member Details
- Web Address
- https://www.shuks-udruzenje.rs/
- shuks.udruzenje at gmail.com
- Chairman
- Ina Ignjatovic