Full Members
MECVS Nederland
MECFS Netherlands is the patient organization for everyone with ME/CFS and their supporters.
We support each other for the best quality of life, increased understanding of our situation, and more insights into the
causes and treatment methods.
We serve as the connecting link between everyone affected by ME/CFS and researchers, healthcare providers, and policymakers.
With practical information and hope for a future without symptoms,
we have been working towards #meerbegrip (more understanding) for over 35 years.

ME/cvs Vereniging
ME/cvs Vereniging is a patient association that represents the interests of patients suffering from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and their loved ones. They do this by:
They provide information about the disease ME, research and treatment methods, and about the latest scientific developments. They do this via their website, facebook page, twitter, news bulletins and vtheir association magazine Read ME.
They also fight for ME disease to be recognized as a seriously debilitating physical condition, so that patients can access research, treatment and facilities.

Member Details
- Web Address
- https://www.me-cvsvereniging.nl/
- contact@me-cvsvereniging.nl
- Chairman
- Augusta Noorlander
Steungroep ME en Arbeidsongeschiktheid
The ME and Disability Support Group is the national patient organization that provides support to ME and CFS patients who experience difficulties
in employment, education, disability and benefits as a result of their illness.
The support Group campaigns against the exclusion of incapacitated ME and CFS patients from disability benefits and
strives to make work and education available to ME and CFS patients that are adapted to their capabilities.
The Support Group ME and Disability has been in existence since November 1994 and, from April 1995, as a foundation.
The Support Group consists largely of volunteers who deal with ME or CFS themselves, either as a patient or as a relative of a patient.
The Support Group's activities are financed by contributions from regular donors, sales of information materials and donations.
The ME and Disability Support Group is the national organization that provides support to ME and CFS patients who
experience difficulties in employment, education, disability and benefits as a result of their illness.
The support Group campaigns against the exclusion of incapacitated ME and CFS patients from disability benefits and strives to make
work and education available to ME and CFS patients that are adapted to their capabilities.

Member Details
- Web Address
- https://www.steungroep.nl/
- info@steungroep.nl
- Secretary
- Karin Brandt